We, the GEALAN group, consider trustworthyness, reliability and solid economic thinking and acting to be the core values, forming the basis of success on the international markets. These values, as well as open communication and information build the foundation of co-operation with our stakeholders (customers, employees, investors, suppliers, government and society).
We see the globalized markets and cultural variety as the precondition and chance for our future and for further growth potentials. We will continue to grow, also in future. On the basis of our German-language home markets we will consistently continue to pursue our internationalisation and will also examine and seize opportunities outside Europe.
We maintain and permanently improve the competitive ability of the GEALAN group, by focusing on our core competencies and by constantly improving operational processes. The underlying conditions are our service culture, innovative strength, flexibility, our quality consciousness and the consistent ability to influence the market, instead of just reacting to it. We aim at a high customer satisfaction by permanently retaining client relations.
We connect holistic procedures with high cost consciousness and thus create the basis for the entrepreneurial success and for the protection of existing and the development of new jobs. We are conscious of our economic, ecological and social responsibility and also take them seriously.
We aim at reaching the top 3 of PVC system providers and manufacturers of plastic profiles for windows, doors and blinds in the markets and regions we are active in.