Start-up day 2019

Last updated on: 14 Nov, 2019

Under the slogan “Innovation through cooperation” we regularly invite to our start – up days. This series of events aims at interconnecting start-ups with well established businesses. We provide insight into potentials, forms of cooperation and key success factors for the collaboration with start-ups. Moreover, we present the diverse start-up scene.

The start-up day offers an exchange of experience and technological impulses on a selected topic. It includes best-practice examples, workshops and matchmaking.

Bavaria’s chemical industry is one of the best worldwide – for the moment. Disruptive innovations and an increasing competition within Germany but also abroad are increasingly challenging existing business models and proven technologies.

This is particularly defying for medium-sized companies which often do not have their own innovation department. Therefore, we have decided to organise start-up days in order to offer a platform for the exchange between start-ups and companies and to promote innovation.