Supported by the “Bundesprogramm Transnationale Zusammenarbeit” of the “Bundesministerium des Innern und Heimat (BMI)”, our activities around the database-driven software Value-Chain-Generator go into the next round. With BE STROCAL! the software shall now be distributed nationwide and further users shall be actively involved.
Project goal
The aim of BE STROCAL! is to disseminate the database-supported software Value-Chain-Generator (VCG) in Germany and to inspire further German cluster institutions, regional developers and business promoters to use the software. Training sessions will be held to enable the new interested clusters to use the VCG. In addition, we want to support the new partners as a coach and jointly realize sustainable and bio-based value chains and initiate networking discussions between the companies. Jointly meeting working groups could provide a good framework for exchange.
BE STROCAL! should not only lead to a dissemination of the VCG within Germany and thus to an expansion of the database of companies and mapped manufacturing processes, but also to an increased networking of bioeconomy actors in Germany.
Database as the basis of a sustainable value chain?
This software, the so-called value chain generator, was developed in the European AlpLinkBioEco project. The 14 project partners involved, including Chemie-Cluster Bayern, filled the database with public information on actors from research and industry located in the Alpine region. Using an algorithm, the information contained in the database on processes with their input materials, end products, as well as by-products and waste streams, enables the cross-industry re-linking of suppliers and customers.
After AlpLinkBioEco, we already pursued the path taken together with the Cluster Neue Werkstoffe in the Bioeconomy cross-cluster project and tested the software on current challenges faced by member companies in Bavaria. In BE STROCAL! we are now taking another step forward and rolling out the project in Germany.
First steps in BE STROCAL!
Currently, possible user agreements and concepts for a test training are being worked out. After the test training at the end of December with our first partner BIOPRO Baden-Württemberg GmbH, we want to specifically promote the use of the value chain generator next year, conduct training sessions with other interested parties and actively support the new users as a coach in the development of ideas and networking in the sense of the bioeconomy.
Further information
If you are interested or have any questions, please contact our project team: Dr. Theresa Dörres ( ; +49 174 977 39 13) or Dr. Elisabeth Rieger (; +49 151 407 598 26).
BE STROCAL! – BioEconomic regions grow through STROng loCAL value chains
An initiative of Chemie-Clusters Bayern GmbH
Funded by the “Bundesprogramm Transnationale Zusammenarbeit” of the “Bundesministerium des Innern und Heimat” (Project duration: 01.11.2021 to 30.11.2022)