Hot Seat: Bartosz Frąckowiak | 4CF

Last updated on: 18 Apr, 2024

What is the main focus of 4CF’s business? 

4CF The Futures Literacy Company stands as a beacon of excellence in the realm of strategic foresight and long-term strategies, leading the charge in pioneering cutting-edge foresight tools. With an unwavering dedication spanning nearly two decades, 4CF has been steadfastly committed to empowering its clients to navigate the uncertainties of tomorrow with confidence and foresight. Over the years, the company has successfully executed a multitude of projects, catering to a diverse clientele ranging from private enterprises to public institutions and international entities, including UNFCCC, UNESCO, UNDP, and WHO.

Through the lens of foresight, 4CF has mastered the approach to decision-making, opening up new vistas of possibilities for its clients, equipping them with the strategic acumen needed to implement disruptive solutions that pave the way for optimal future outcomes for all stakeholders involved. 4CF proudly aligns itself with prestigious organisations such as the Association of Professional Futurists, the Foresight Educational and Research Network, and serves as the founder of The Millennium Project’s Polish node. As trailblazers in the field of futures literacy, 4CF continues to redefine the landscape of strategic foresight, driving innovation and shaping the future of tomorrow. 

4CF stands also at the forefront of foresight methodologies, offering innovative solutions like decision-making games and digital gamebooks to enhance organizational innovation. In the Idealist project, 4CF applies its expertise in trend analysis and scenario development, utilizing tools like 4CF HalnyX and PnyX to boost the foresight capabilities of stakeholders. Their role is pivotal in shaping the project’s approach to anticipating and navigating future industry 4.0 challenges. 

What is horizon scanning, why is it important for businesses and how should they utilize its results? 

Horizon Scanning involves a structured approach to identifying early indications of potentially significant developments. These may manifest as faint signals, emerging trends, unexpected events (wild cards), or persistent issues and risks, including factors that challenge established assumptions. Horizon Scanning can either be broad and exploratory, or focused and targeted based on the specific goals of projects or tasks. Its objective is to discern what remains stable, what might evolve, and what is in a state of continual flux within the timeframe being examined. Various criteria are applied during the process of searching and filtering information. The timeframe for analysis can range from short- to long-term perspectives. 

Horizon scanning provides businesses with a forward-looking perspective that is essential for informed decision-making, strategic planning, and long-term success in an increasingly dynamic and uncertain business environment. It helps them identify emerging trends, technologies, and market shifts. By staying ahead of the curve, businesses can position themselves to take advantage of new opportunities or mitigate potential threats. It allows them to incorporate long-term thinking into their strategic planning processes. By understanding what lies on the horizon, businesses can better allocate resources, set goals, and develop strategies that align with future developments.

Horizon scanning enables them to identify and assess potential risks and uncertainties that may impact their operations in the future. By proactively identifying these risks, businesses can develop contingency plans and risk mitigation strategies to minimize their impact. Keeping an eye on the horizon helps businesses stay innovative and competitive. By identifying emerging technologies and market trends, businesses can innovate their products, services, and business models to meet evolving customer needs and stay ahead of competitors. Horizon scanning allows to stay informed about upcoming regulatory changes and anticipate how these changes may impact their operations. This enables businesses to adapt their practices and ensure compliance with new regulations, minimizing the risk of penalties or legal issues. By scanning the horizon for emerging opportunities, businesses can identify new markets, partnerships, and business ventures that align with their strategic objectives. This can help businesses diversify their revenue streams and expand their market presence. 

What specific skills can participants gain from the Train the Trainer Workshop for horizontal scanning? 

The Train the Trainer Workshop will equip participants with the knowledge, skills, and tools necessary to conduct effective horizon scanning activities and support organizational decision-making in an increasingly complex and uncertain environment. They will learn how to effectively gather, analyze, and synthesize information from various sources such as industry reports, market data, scientific journals, news sources, and expert opinions, and get trained in various techniques for environmental scanning, including systematic scanning of trends, weak signals, and emerging issues across different domains relevant to their organization or industry.

Participants develop critical thinking skills to evaluate the significance and potential impact of emerging trends and issues, discerning between noise and actionable insights, as well as how to develop and analyze scenarios based on different future possibilities derived from horizon scanning results. This involves extrapolating current trends and uncertainties to envision alternative future scenarios and their implications for the organization. Participants will also learn how to translate the insights gained from horizon scanning into actionable recommendations to support strategic decision-making within their organization. After completing the Train the Trainers program, participants will receive a special certificate acknowledging their participation with a list of the skills they have acquired as a result.

We cordially invite you to take part in the Train the trainer workshop. Learn how to use Horizon Scanning to anticipate disruptive developments and recognise trends at an early stage. This will enable you to prepare your company and processes accordingly.

Bartosz Frąckowiak is a foresight consultant at 4CF and a board member of the Biennale Warszawa Foundation. Responsible for the design and implementation of foresight analyses for 4CF’s major clients.

He researches the design processes of sustainable and ethical technologies, the relationship between technologies and space, and the potential of ethnographic methods in exploring the future. He has run Strategic Dreamers, a training and research company that has been involved in the strategic design of futures, creating visions, prototypes and scenarios of possible futures, and delivering trainings, including for clients such as the British Council, Save the Children, Centrum Kreatywności Targowa, House of Skills and TROP Group.

He is also Co-founder of Warsaw Biennial, a transdisciplinary institution operating at the intersection of art, research activity and social activism. From 2017 to 2022, he worked there as deputy director responsible for international cooperation, communication and the research and discourse program, as well as a curator specializing in art addressing global issues and emerging at the intersection with new technologies.

As a soft skills trainer, he has worked for clients from all sectors, leading workshops on change management, talent and strengths development, and innovation design, among others. At SWPS, he teaches classes on the socio-cultural aspects of technology and the production of art and cultural projects.