The 5th project meeting of the Interreg project AlpLinkBioEco took place on May 11 and 12, 2020. Due to the current situation, 35 participants of the 14 project partners met online and not in Lyon as originally planned.
Since the last meeting in October 2019 in Linz, the Value Chain Generator, a web-based, learning softwoare for the generation of value chains, has been continuously optimized and filled with data. The project partners collected about 2000 actors from the Alpine region and, with the help of the tool, generated more than 200 potential biolinks, i.e. specific ideas for bio-based value creation. In order to test the actual feasibility of these biolinks, the respective companies will be contacted in the next step and invited to so-called piloting actions. The idea is to present the biolink ideas to relevant companies in small groups and to discuss their feasibility and prospect for success. The goal is the concrete implementation of new value chains.
A Policy Synthesis Report will analyse existing political guidelines of the participating regions. Futhermore, after preliminary talks with regional actors, an exchange of political decision-makers and industry representatives will be established. This will culminate at the beginning of next year in a transnational dialogue in the form of an Alpine Policy Forum.
The next physical project meeting is expected to take place in Lyon by the end of 2020.
About the project: AlpLinkBioEco is a project promoting sustainable, regional development in the Alpine region and receives funding of two million euros from the Interreg-Alpine Space 2012-2020 program. The project is scheduled for three years and will run until 2021. The aim of the project is the development of a strategy for a bio-based circular economy across regional borders.