BIOLINK is specialist for solvent-free tapes and adhesive films. A special, solvent-free UV interlacing production technology was developed for the production of the products. The high-quality special and standard tapes and films with pure or modified acrylate adhesives are produced as 100% systems. This is a clear difference to other industrial players.
We are certified as tape manufacturer according to the automobile standard ISO/TS 16949:2002. Our high professionalism is furthermore guaranteed by the certificate according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2000.
The BIOLINK idea is based on one fundamental environmental principle only: The production of adhesives in an ecological and environmentally compatible way. Thus BIOLINK today became and still is one of the leading producers of environmentally compatible products.
This environmental approach is now more important than 10 years ago, when BIOLINK started the production of solvent-free tapes. We strongly believe that enterprises have a high ecological responsibility, which must be reflected by pollution-free production processes. According to this principle we connect commercial interests with the obligation we have for following generations.
We feel obligated to keep quality standards. Our products guarantee a healthy and secure working environment of our employees and minimize possible effects on the local and global environment.
Our tapes are used today in almost all industrial industries. Whether in air and space travel, automotives, mechanical engineering, electronics, building, furniture, glass or graphic arts industry. BIOLEFT tapes arrange here processing steps of efficient, clean and more comfortable. Depending upon application we can offer different Klebstoff¬klassen. Pro left and Flexlink are for example connecting, isolating, flexibly, sealing, high-strength sticking the adhesive films and temperature-steadily, also on extreme conditions.
Use tapeselector, in order to find the correct product.